“Freedom is merely privilege extended Unless enjoyed by one and all”

About Friends of a Free Internet

Many see the fight for internet freedom as being against censorship and surveillance – but as Billy Bragg sang, “Freedom is mealy privilege extended unless enjoyed by one and all”. Freedom of Expression and control of the means of communication are two sides of the same coin.

Friends of a Free Internet are committed to both free online expression as well as universal access to  communication commons that  is user owned and controlled, decommodified, free/affordable, safe and secure. 

We stand against racism, patriarchy, authoritarianism, imperialism, colonialism, exploitation. profiteering, and corporate control.

We stand for democracy, feminism, anti-racism, dignity, equality, peace, free expression, creativity, transparency, privacy, understanding & truth.

We are committed to economic, social and ecological justice and envision a communications system that enables a world where all the resources required for life are produced democratically in harmony with the biosphere by each according to their ability and shared according to their needs.