Thief Launch

Join us for the launch of our Stop Thief campaign Sunday 17 March 2024 marked the second anniversary of the historic ICASA spectrum auction when the government gave R14.4 billion worth…

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We need a full public service internet – state-owned infrastructure is just the start

by Christian Fuchs in the Conversation  on 2 December 2019.  The UK Labour Party’s 2019 election manifesto contains plans to bring BT’s internet infrastructure business into public ownership by creating British Broadband and to…

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DAILY MAVERICK: ‘Liberty, Equality, Connectivity’ — the fight for a free internet in SA is Launched

Published by Maru Attwood in the Daily Maverick here.  In the face of this digital divide, the campaign led by Yetu Infotech Collective and the People’s Media Consortium is agitating for “a communication commons that…

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